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Emerging Medical Technologies

Editorial 3D cover illustration for the IMS Magazine

This editorial journal cover was completed for the Institute of Medical Science's (IMS) quarterly research magazine, which garners 1000+ readers per issue. This cover design was completed using Autodesk Maya and composited in Photoshop.

Currently in print. 

Date: Spring 2019

Format: print/digital.

Skills: 3D modelling, editorial design

Tools: Autodesk Maya, Molecular Maya, Adobe Photoshop.

Design Process

Design Challenge

Create a 3D editorial magazine cover that is visually intriguing, dynamic, and captures the spirit of the theme "emerging medical technologies".

Target audience: readers of the quarterly IMS magazine; scientific specialists.

Ideation & Thumbnailing

This issue's theme was "emerging medical technologies". The three main featured articles were about (1) deep-brain stimulation, (2) crispr-cas9 gene editing, and
(3) high-throughput drug screening.

A challenge of this cover design was how to depict highly varied/different  topics that encompassed emerging medical technologies. I needed to think of a visual theme that tied these highly diverse topics together. I began by drafting thumbnails of some themes related to emerging:

Some of the pictured concepts (above) included:

1. Emerging plants.

2. Abstract images double-exposed and "emerging" from the profile of a person.

3. Butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. 

4. Screens emerging from a tunnel.

5. Images emerging from a crystal ball.

6. Abstract spheres emerging from other spheres.

Rough Sketches

With feedback from the design team (Julia, Alexander, Mona, and Colleen), I decided on the emerging butterfly metaphor because it best represented the theme of "new & emerging". It also allowed for embedded imagery within the wings and had strong visual interest.

Final Sketches

Final comprehensive sketches

I experimented with two main layouts that featured either a single central butterfly emerging from a cocoon, or two butterflies. I decided to pursue the two-butterfly layout because it better distinguished the imagery within the wings, which pertained to the featured topics (deep brains stimulation, crispr-cas9, drug screening). It also had more visual interest and a more recognizable silhouette of a butterfly. 

The final 3D cover was created using Autodesk Maya and ZBrush, and composited in photoshop.  The final render is shown below:

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